About us
Brevard's Local Consistently bringing our advertisers great results!
Free Throughout Brevard County!
We Reach Beachside, Affluent Communities, Service Stations, Community Centers and over 300 Locations!
Why It Works!
- Print 15,000 copies every other week
- Distributed to over 300 key locations throughout Brevard
- 2 readers per copy Average 30,000 readers per issue (Source CVC Survey)
- A Local Resource go to publication for years
- Over 3,000 friends on Brevard's local Facebook page
- Your ads will have more impressions in one issue than any other publication in Brevard!
- Longtime advertisers
- Loyal readership
- Flexible advertising plans and rates for all budgets
- Brevard's Local is part of Madison Ave South Media Group, that has over
- 35 years of publishing and advertising experience.
- Let us help you plan and build your next advertising campaign in, print, on line or Social media we have you covered throughout Brevard and Beyond!
- You have tried the others, Now try us!
- Call us today and see why we have been a source for so many for so long!
Our Mission Statement
BrevardsLocalNews.com is a platform created to inform residents and non residents on the local news and events and to give advertisers a forum to further promote their goods and services.